2 Months_course
1Introduction to photography/ digital photography
2Sutter and Sutter Speed
3Aperture or f no.
4Camera Sensor and ISO speed
5Understanding Exposure and Exposure Bracketing
6Depth of field
a.Focus and Focus Lock
b.Focal Length
c.Angle of View
7Lens and its functions
a.Prime Lens
b.Zoom Lens
c.Macro Lens
a.Golden Mean Rule
b.Rule of Third
9Learning to Use Digital Camera Settings and Features
10Framing and Different shots of people
11White Balance
12Color temperature, colors
13Types of Photography
14Camera equipments
15Flash Photography and Fill Flash Photography
16Indoor shooting & Indoor shooting equipments
17Raw and JPEG image
18Adobe Photoshop
19Practical with DSLR
20PPP Show
1Introduction to photography/ digital photography
2Aperture or f no
3Sutter and Sutter Speed
4Camera Sensor and ISO speed
6Depth of field
7Lens and its functions
8About Camera Program Mods
10Framing and Different shots of people
11White Balance
12Camera equipments
13Adobe Photoshop basic
6-Months course
Subjects included in 3 months courses and additionally the followings will be coverd
Learning to Use Digital Camera Settings and Features
Color temperature, colors
White Balance
Flash Photography and Fill Flash Photography
Camera equipments, outdoor shooting & Indoor shooting equipments
Specialization Course: Photo Journalism and Sports Photography, Fashion Photography, Nature Photography
Various types of Photography:, Wild Life Photography, Street Photography, Photographing Children
Night Photography
Close Up Photographs
File Formats: Raw and JPEG image
Adobe Photoshop
Practical with DSLR
PPP Show & Analyzing an Image (Monday, Wednesday and Friday in a week)